S38E01 – Like A Cobra

What’s up my dudes, Italo here back for another season! Before the fun starts, make sure to follow me (@italogifs) and my gifmaker bro (@anthonyd46) on Twitter to get all the gif updates and more!

So, this time Jeff decided to bring back what the fans hate, ISLANDS! Well, I must say this one does look good, and I am sure it will be very, very gifable, specially with such a crazy cast! First episode, first impressions, first gifs! We have big falls, heated Tribal and pretty good dance moves! Enjoy!!


A young boy drowning to death

Aubry’s new game style is a tribute to Monica

Me about my stress and anxiety


Best dance moves in Survivor history

Joe Anglim explain yourself

Tongue game

Survival skills updated

The real reason why Reem got voted out

Me: I hate this show
My crush: I love this show

When you’re on Survivor and someone takes too long to take a shit

I’m a neat lady

Me in a family reunion

“bitter jury”
“undeserving winner”

Dance Moves Hidden On The Edit #1

The feeling when you have fire


Naaaah man

Only because it was an emergency

When you see a lady with no survival skills peeing in the bushes of Central Park because it was an emergency

Dude what did they put on his water bottle

I have a feeling every time I look at Gavin he’s smiling

Survivor Lessons #1 – Don’t. Move. People’s stuff.

Seriously, he’s always smiling

When I was 21 Santa gave me a Survivor buff, and by Santa I mean Nick, thank you for that buff Nick!

Run Ron Run

We can clearly see David came back more confident and used to the jungle life

Dance Moves Hidden On The Edit #2

He’s smiling even while talking

My goal in life is to be as happy as Ron after he found a secret advantage

The Four Horsemen of the Survivocalypse coming to raise hell on the newbies

Classic Tribal eyeroll

Don’t pick a fight with Aubry bro

Wardoggo sounds like a better option

Chris and Lauren are our challenge beasts this season, you heard it here first!


Now that is one badass Immunity Idol!

When someone is lying to you but you already know the truth

Play the game while you drink water

David Wright explain yourself

Everyone is on Team Joe

Me after 30 minutes at work

Now this is how a fan looks like

Dance Moves Hidden On The Edit #3

Aubry cheering and quickly remembering the challenge wasn’t over yet

Wendy trying to fucking murder Reem

About the next episode

The drowning boy is shy

You’re doing a great job, Joe!

Reem on Extinction Island waiting for everyone who voted her out

Banana Wars

Queen of fucking dying

How wrong is it to say I loved this challenge?

*bird noises*

Mondays be like

Returnees looking like they’re about to take a mugshot

So close, Julia

What kind of animals are those?

Kelley Madworth

Is that (insert someone’s name)?

Jeff planning Ghost Island and its idolvantages

Dance Moves Hidden On The Edit #4

No one:

When I’m wrong

Get yourself an ally that looks at you the way Lauren looks at Kelley

Me after trying the bare minimum


Go out with a smile

Ok what now?

This is how a person who’s not a friend, that you shouldn’t trust and should not keep around looks like

Reem, you better come back!!!!!!!

The Tribe has spoken

Next Time on…Survivor: The returnee hunting season is open!

See you here, next week! Feel free to check out the rest of our website, you can find all David vs Goliath and soon more seasons here. Thanks for watching me trying to be funny!

Now, the uncaptioned treasures section:

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